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Why I started blogging 2019
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Why I started blogging 2019

I launched this blog in 2019, inspired by my favorite fashion bloggers who covered a wide array of topics ranging from fashion and beauty to life in general. With a passion for writing and storytelling, I sought to express my own perspective on various subjects. Additionally, I enjoy fostering solidarity and encouraging diverse viewpoints that prompt us to consider different perspectives.

My mom always told me that if you follow your passions, the money will come. I’ve found this to be true in my own life. I began my writing journey during my senior year of college, crafting a storyline and background for a game development team I was part of. The process was incredibly enjoyable, especially creating the futuristic plot for the game. Now I’d like to share my perspective on blogging:


Don’t wait, start where you’re at!

Mentioned in my article, “Learning to Shorten the Gap Between Thinking and Doing” Don’t wait to do something, just start, and keep being consistent with writing. This stance of course can transfer to any endeavor that you want to embark on. I started my blog by purchasing a very cheap domain name via GoDaddy, along with a basic WordPress hosting plan that I pay under $15 per month for. After that, I purchased a comprehensive blog template from Envato Themeforest, customized it to my liking, and let my thoughts flow.

There are plenty of blogging templates out there that are very affordable. With a template, you don’t have to be an experienced Fron-End Developer to start, although knowing a bit of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript doesn’t hurt. But basic things could easily be learned across the net. Moreover, sites like Squarespace and Wix offer plans that come with a domain name, hosting, and a site customizer all in one. As you can see, there’s plenty of options to choose from.

Find a niche that ignites your passion, then progress from that point.

Consider what you’re passionate about. If it’s video games (another interest of mine, lol), you can delve into upcoming releases like GTA VI, discussing the main character’s personality, the setting, and more. As a fan, I’m particularly excited about this release. However, there are numerous topics to kickstart your blog, such as fashion. Once you begin, you can expand into other areas of interest. For example, I began with fashion and later incorporated categories like travel, beauty, and personal reflections on life. Start with core interests and build from there.

See Also

Be consistent! Create a writing and posting schedule for yourself.

I’ve learned that consistency is key in most aspects of life. Whether it’s achieving one of my fitness goals, such as developing strong, beautiful arms like one of my inspirations, Angela Bassett. Or studying for the GRE to get into grad school, consistency, along with some discipline, tends to last longer than motivation.

There are days where I am strongly lacking in motivation, but I made a promise to myself to try my best to remain consistent. Consistent posting will also assist in building a profitable blog that many brands will flock to. Having quality content, like many making your posts intriguing and interesting to read and including high quality images are just a piece of the (albeit important) blogging puzzle. It’s also helpful to have relevant and searchable tags to include in your posts so that articles can be easily found. Posting more frequently also will help to build an email list to grow your audience. Check out sites like Monday or even your Google Calendar can help you stick to a consistent posting schedule.

Don’t forget to promote your blog. Get your stuff out there!
When I first started, all I really wanted to do was write and get my thoughts out of my head and onto paper or the net. A journal, so to speak. But after a few posts, I was like “Hey, let’s start seeing how my writing resonates with others, why not!” I won’t lie, I was a bit shy at first about promoting my posts on social media, but the more you do something, the nerves will start to die down. So, if I posted once a week, I went ahead and promoted my article on different social media platforms more than once a week just to build traffic to my blog.

So that’s it yall!! Those are some of my thoughts on blogging. I thoroughly enjoy it because of my love of crafting words and fashion. I hope this article resonates with you!  

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